Back into modeling.
I had my first life modeling session since...a long time ago. I could
tell it'd been a while because my muscles were definitely straining more
than usual and I had a bit of soreness after for the next day. All is
better, though. I had a really good first modeling sesh. I was in a
really good mood to start out with, and as always Omar played awesome
music so I remained in a good mood, and had all sorts of crazy visions
while I posed and tried to stay still.
It's interesting to me that by trying to stay still I become more aware
of my body. I begin to notice every tiny movement and I can feel all my
muscles in a way that I don't normally. It's a hyper-awareness that I've
grown fond of. The only other time I feel this hyper-awareness is when I
run. But it's been a long time since I've done that, also.
I really wish I was doing more life modeling for artists. Someday...
I was contacted by a photographer hoping to work with me recently, and
he mentioned seeing some photos of a fellow model friend of mine and me
posing together. Turns out he'll be shooting her soon, and I guess I'm
going to join! I went to have a look at these photos myself. I was
pleasantly surprised :] Funny that's my reaction to finding nude images of myself on the web.....
Just me, I can't give proper photo credit because I don't know the last
name of the photographer! But his name is Daniel. Here's the link to
some of his work - I think:
Keira and me, photographed by Daniel. Our first time modeling together! Next time I think I'll be less shy {: