A 'behind the scenes' kind of shot from my last shoot. Dave Brown, December 2012
It's winter. It's cold.
I find myself low on funds, which is frustrating. I spent a greater part of today looking to see if I could arrange paid gigs with people as a figure model. It seems like finding work should be easier than it is.
I did some life drawing modeling last night with a small group, which I was glad to get back into. The only problem was my feeling jittery (not from caffeine, surprisingly) and too cold. Again, I left feeling tense and exhausted. I slept well, at least. I am trying to decide if it is up to me to purchase my own space heater for life modeling or if I should bug the coordinator to do that.
The holidaze is almost over. Only one more big event and the year comes to a close, if only for a moment. This next year I strongly feel will have many important changes. Hopefully I will be able to model more often, and continue modeling later in the year when I start school again. There is much to think about in the new year...