Sunday, August 25, 2013

Things That Are Still Uncomfortable But Not Quite As Much As They Used To Be Before I Was An Art Model

- parts of my body going numb and falling asleep, resulting in my limping awkwardly off the model stand and that horrible pins-and-needles sensation coupled with almost falling over after each sitting

- spending a long time with my head/neck turned one way

- resting on one elbow, hip, toe, buttcheek...

- feeling like everyone in the room is staring at you...and knowing that they ARE :P

- seeing that little glowing red dot (laser pointer) appear on your body over places like your nipples and groin and trying to not laugh while the instructor is explaining to the students how to measure certain parts of your body and pointing out important light and dark shapes

- waiting for your body to cool down but hyper-aware of that one little sweat drop trickling agonizingly slow down your body...

- when you get a sudden itch somewhere. Knowing that if you wait, it will go away, but nonetheless it's a two minute battle to not reach up and scratch it...

- irresponsible (lol) eye twitches, or other body part twitches

- being cold...and having painfully hard nipples.
(to be continued if I can ever think of other things :P)

The only thing I can say that is STILL uncomfortable if I am modeling is....
the urge to sneeze but not being able to! Why the devil is this so goddamn annoying no matter what?!


Today was the last day of the two week workshop I was doing at the Golden Gate Atelier. A collective sigh of relief to all, but also a little sad. It was fun, but I'm glad to have an opportunity to take a little modeling least till my last Thursday night session next week. I wish I had asked some of the students if I could take photos of their work to share here. I was doing a lovely seated pose on a stool, and everyone made great drawings and paintings for their skill level. I had the chance to speak with some of the students and could tell they were very appreciative of the experience and felt that they were going to be able to take a lot away from it. Yay! I was praised for my modeling, for which I am glad. Always, always, always thank your art models. Sometimes they are struggling, too, but are there for you! (bad rhyme) My bad skin has flared up more and it's been making me feel quite down and awkward to be modeling, but such is life, and I will always stay committed to artists so they can get work done. I will be glad to start September with a new mindset. Yeah, it will probably take me all week to get over it...

LAST EDITED 4.22.2014 :]

Saturday, August 24, 2013


Sometimes I receive images from photoshoots where I really like my figure (I'm thinking, "Dude, I'd draw that!" haha) but the overall photo is not all that impressive (either from lack of experience in lighting, blurriness, or poor photoshop skills...all of  which takes a lot of time and energy to do well, so I certainly don't blame anyone for having a 'less-than-ideal'-image). It makes me wonder - which is more important, the pose and figure or the overall image? It's an interesting interplay because I typically find that for me, I prefer both (ideally) to work well in the photo. But at times I find that a simple image that is not very well executed can still be visually pleasing if the pose is just right. It also just depends on if the image is to be used for reference, or as a figure study, in which case the photo doesn't have to be interesting per se, but should still have good focus. 

But, nonetheless, I thought I'd share some images of me that I like but feel lack in some way, either on my part (sometimes I am a mauvais, bad, model) or the photographer. Sometimes these photos are from individuals learning basic photo lighting, etc. (not anyone claiming to be professional) so to say that the image is 'bad' is totally inaccurate, and that is not something I am trying to imply here. Just saying, I  think they're almost perfect! :] 

photo by Robert Mandel, 2013

photo by Nelia, 2012

photo by Ilya Malinkov, 2013

photo by Daniel, 2012

photo by Dave Brown, 2012

photo by Alastair Lockett, 2013

photo by Charles Nevols, 2013

photo by Charles Nevols, 2011 or 2012

photo by Winston, 2012

photo by John Green, 2013
