Saturday, July 27, 2013

After A Long Silence....

I return! With musings and such to write about.
 I have been busying myself with a lot of commuting around the Bay Area, summer travels, and of course, modeling. My latest 'gig' has been at the amazing Golden Gate Atelier, located right in my area. I'm there quite a bit now, and hopefully they'll enjoy me enough to have me stick around for longer :] I love love love working for this school; it's small, intimate, and the students and faculty are colorful and interesting people. (not that I've talked to many at great lengths, but I can tell.)
It's awesome to take a look at everyone's drawings or paintings during my breaks and seeing the exciting work going on there. The only problem is that I crave more time to attend to my own drawing and paintings each time I sit for theirs.

I had another (long due) shoot with Steve Gatlin, which I still have yet to see photos from. I haven't worked with him in almost a year! It was nice to catch up, and participate in his workshop. I am still amazed that I was able to hold up another three hours in the middle of the night, outdoors!

I've also had the joy of modeling for Dana Davis, a quirky, fun photographer who specializes in taking bodyscape type photos. I don't think anyone else has been able to capture my skin tone in it's natural form in such a beautiful manner. I think it's pretty great [:

Photo by Dana Davis, 2013

In the mean time, most of where I am and will be in the next month or so will be at the atelier, at the studio in Napa, or home. I would love to get out and do more photoshoots but I've come to realize I've been living out of bags for the last month or so, and I'm starting to crawl into my shell of had-too-much-social-working-time. I am naturally a little more extroverted than some, but there will always be a breaking point when all I want to do is haul up in my bedroom, maybe read, maybe draw, maybe write, and reflect. And I feel that time coming up now. I will try to book shoots when I feel more up for it.


As some of you (who is my audience? I'm not sure) may know, a large part of my beginning modeling (art modeling, to be certain) has been my desire to help other artists create work they find moving and inspiring and beautiful. I think it'd be a good idea to write a blog post about which photos or drawings I've been a part of that I've really enjoyed. I took figure drawing classes in college and absolutely loved and admired the models I had the opportunity to draw. I thought it was so great that they were willing to take the time out of their day to pose for me, to help my understanding of anatomy and porportion. I only wish I had been better at capturing a likeness! :P I thought it was something I could do, eventually, as a way of giving that feeling of appreciation back. And now, here I am, doing just that. It makes me feel happy. I've had very few awkward or uncomfortable moments. I hope this will be something I can continue for as long as possible [:


  1. Thank you very much for sharing your thoughts and feelings. And I like this photograph - it's fine art. Jens

  2. What a marvelous image. Any photographer with talent would appreciate the opportunity to work with you.

