Thursday, May 22, 2014

End of Long Pose...Return to Life as normal...

I'm terrible at following up on this blog. Really.

But, the good news is I've finished my long pose at the atelier and have gotten myself all rested and relaxed [: And my modeling adventures continue!

I got the chance to meet and work with some new people recently and had a bunch of fun and exhausting (but as always, rewarding!) drawing sessions and photoshoots. I am eager to receive photos from my shoot in Sacramento with the ever-amazing model Keira Grant and photographer Jason Fassnacht. But in the meantime I've some lovely images to share after all!

Wrapping up my long pose was a bit off and on during the last week. I could sense the artists' urgency growing to complete their works as best they could. It was a few days of increasing mental pain and physical endurance that felt very testing at times. I had a great time, all in all though. I feel proud to be the kind of model I am [: I was able to get images of some of the student's work, which was awesome of them for being so willing to share! I am looking forward to seeing them all again at the open house next week.

And now some photos!
The first few are from the atelier and the last two are from other drawing sessions. I took these with my phone. It's very cool to see what others interpret in what they see (me, haha) and even cooler to see the workmanship of their drawings and paintings. Someday I will be doing more of this myself...


 Some gesture drawings :]

A watercolor study - I held this pose for an hour (with breaks). I don't think I'll ever hold that pose for that long again x___x


I had a recent portraiture shoot with Robert Artbitter. He was great to work with, local and quick with images! I haven't done very many head shoot sessions so it was both a pleasure to have the opportunity and the chance to meet someone new. Here are my personal favorite results from our session:

...I just wish I always looked this good ;]

(it's back to ODing on coffee and trying to get things done. That's my normal life.)
